The following FAQs are intended to provide customers a guideline for how dumpsters from Suburban LLC may be rented and used.

What materials CAN NOT be put into the dumpster?
  • Motor Oil & Other Automobile Fluids
  • Batteries (lead-acid batteries, e.g., car batteries)
  • Television
  • Flammable Liquids and Materials
  • Explosives (e.g., fireworks)
  • Whole Tires
  • Paint, Oils, Varnish, etc. – Asbestos Materials
  • Dirt, Concrete, Cinder Block or Masonry / Brick of Any Kind
What materials can be put into the dumpster?

The lawful removal of debris using a rental dumpster from Suburban LLC includes materials in accordance with Indiana State Law as shown here. Any items prohibited from disposal as shown in this link are not allowed and pick up of the dumpster may be subject to penalty fees if restricted materials are found inside. Please abide by all legal standards to avoid fees, penalties or potential legal action from the appropriate authorities.

How do I know what size dumpster to rent?

Of the three sizes provided (12yd, 15yd, 20yd) all are recommended for small to medium size projects involving remodeling, light construction, and landscaping. Please see the estimated capacity guidelines here.

Do you offer commercial (non-residential) discount rates?

While our core business is residential, we do offer business/commercial rates. Pleast contact us for a specific quote. We can not guarantee long term use of any particular size, but will consider it.

Do you offer rentals longer than 7 days?

At present, our rental rates are based on 1 – 3 days or 4 – 7 days. If you would like to rent a dumpster longer than 7 days, you will use either rate schedule for the two time increments we have established.

What if my dumpster is full before I'm finished?

A rental includes delivery and pick up of the dumpster one time. If additional capacity is needed, the customer will need to arrange rental as if it were a brand new rental agreement.

What are the actual dimensions of each dumpster?

Please visit the DUMPSTERS page to see dimensions.

Do you offer removal of hazardous materials?

At this time, we do not offer this specialized service and none of the dumpsters offered may be used to dispose of hazardous materials.

Do you provide removal of debris services as well?

At this time, we do not offer contract labor services to remove debris from your property. You may use the dumpster to dispose of your debris but our company does not provide manpower to do so.

Do I need a special permit to have the dumpster on my property?

As long as the dumpster is delivered on your property boundaries, no permit is required. If the dumpster can only be delivered off your property boundaries, you will need to contact your local government to learn of any potential permits needed.

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